Management Philosophy

Total Solution Provider of Motion Control.

Yangheon's management philosophy is to strive to bring mutual prosperity and contribution to our society as well as the industries by advanced technologies and quality products. And, by securing reasonable profit to the company for the long time and rapid progress in productivity from realizing smooth and accurate motion is everyone's hope both in designer's group and manufacturing sites. We have been conducting our corporate activity to realize customer's dreams by providing numerous motion controlling products worldwide used in common. We've developed over 20 years based on cam technology such as "Roller Drive" a zero-backlash reducer with high accuracy and an advanced cam-system "Handex". These high quality products with speed and accuracy will upgrade our customers' value by improving their status. To make dream come true more and further, we set our goal of the best index maker! to provide the best quality products with the principle of mutual prosperity with employees and family, community and partner companies, customers and environment for the long time.